To the Men We Love …

To the Men We Love …

I have been thinking a lot about men.  Men are leaders, they are husbands and single fathers, they are entrepreneurs, visionaries, protectors, and encouragers.  They are often on the periphery.  I want to celebrate those men that have chosen to redefine what it means to be a man.  So, what makes a man ‘good’ and worthy of celebration? Here’s a few growth characteristics I’ve seen in the men we all choose to love.

He learns for a lifetime.

Education is key. We understand knowledge is power. However, there are far more classrooms than those that line the halls of ivy covered buildings. Men that draw wisdom from their experiences – pleasurable or painful – learn daily and without end. Kudos to the men that insist on failing forward, to embracing each day as another opportunity to try. Your spirit encourages others and we learn with you. Every time you get back up, we cheer.

He’s vulnerable and strong.

Author Stephen Russell explores the vulnerability that is necessary to get back up again. He said, “Vulnerability is the only authentic state. Being vulnerable means being open, for wounding, but also for pleasure. Being open to the wounds of life means also being open to the bounty and beauty …” Vulnerability is adaptive. As men are vulnerable enough to show their authentic selves, we see their strength. We watch as they conquer the fear of honesty, the fear of loss, and the fear of success. The ability of a man to experience fully, to learn openly, and respond with maturity is winning.

He responds rather than reacts.

Responding from your center is strength.  Reaction is instant and driven by beliefs, biases and prejudices. Response, however, considers an individual’s well-being and that of those around you. Response, “weighs the long term effects and stays in line with your core values.” A man that holds fast to his values in the face of pressure will handle whatever comes at him with grace.

His story does not dictate his future.

History is fuel. It can propel to a brighter future, or burn our present where we stand. Men that honor yesterday, that embrace their stories without allowing it to summarily determine today and tomorrow leave a legacy of hope and eager expectation. So we pay tribute to the men who endow future generations.

Thank you.

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